2024 International Conference on
Electrical, Computer Engineering and Electronics November 29-30, 2024
Sanya, China.




A. S. M, Yeungnam University, Korea
K.C. S, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India


Y. Z, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
W. X, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Z.H. Y, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Y. C, Sanya Technical University, China
S.G. Z, Kunming University of Science and technology, China
S. H. L, Soongsil University, Korea
H.S.M, Malnad College of Engineering, India
H N, S.J.B. Institute of Technology, India
F.X. Z, Lanzhou University of Technology, China
L.J. Z, Sanya Aerospace University, China
S. K. P, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India
V.S, Dept of Computer Applications, Karunya University, India
S J W, Maharashtra Academy of Engineering, India
